Wednesday 5 September 2012

my creepy creature

I would like to talk to you about the hugodoo.  You will probably never meet one in our life  so if you want to find out more read on.

The hugodoo is as small as an average size shoe.  It has long red fur that feels like a bed of nails.  Its sight is like a hawk, it can see you from a mile away.  The hugodoo has razor sharp nails on its skinny yellow hands.  They are sharp enough to slice your arm off in one go.  His exotic ears fly him around the World .

The hugodoo lives in open green land.  He digs burrows hundreds of metres long and deep.  It’s common for them to live in Iceland but they travel lots.

The hugodoo’s diet is mainly worms and insects from its deep dark burrows and the             humans walking by on the green flats.

The hugodoo has many interests like rat riding and lemur riding.  They have lots of friends they ride with.  They make special saddles for the back of the lemurs and rats.

The hugodoo has many predators like ants and mosquitos.  They suck the blood out of the hugodoo and they slowly die and run out of blood.  The hugodoo has no predators bigger than it.  The ants often hide in the rat’s fur then jump onto the hugodoo.
I hope you learnt lots of interesting facts about the hugodoo.

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